Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Subway / Justice League Famous Fans the Motion Comic

The time has now truly come. I have looked at all the copies of Famous Fans in the comic books and all that is left is the motion comic. Just to get this out of the way, what I did to get the images for this comic was I watched the comic and paused the video on each frame, mostly at the point right when the image changes. I screen captured it and cropped the images in Photoshop. But if you want to follow along, look at the end of this review for the link to the motion comic itself. But for now, turn off your brain and grab some avocado, it's time for Subway / Justice League Famous Fans the Motion Comic!

Now you all will be seeing every panel that was shown in the motion comic because I love you all. So to start, here is the title card. Let me tell you, this title card is just so. . . . . . so . . . . . . yellow. Yeah. That's all I got. I guess Subway wanted their cards to be made by Sinestro this time rather then a Green Lantern.

We start things off with lunch at a Subway with our last two famous fans. This time we got Ryan Howard, a first baseman for the Phillies, and CC Sabathia, a pitcher for the Yankees. And like all the other times, any more info then that is not needed. The two are talking about how they love to eat at Subway. Yeah, cause it is not like they have the money to eat anywhere else. We all know baseball players don't get paid anything.

ALRIGHT! Ryan does have avocado on his sandwich. For a second there, I thought their sandwiches were avocado free. Now they have the power to do anything at all. Also, keeping with the famous fans tradition, they went to a Subway knowing full well they have a game to get to soon. Again, do caterers just not exist on this Earth?

But lunch is cut short with a powerful BOOM coming from off panel. It is now that I would like to take a second to look at the art work. That is Ryan in the background, CC in the foreground. Looking over the fact that the only thing that I can use to tell them apart is that mustache, take a look at CC's face. Myself, I think his brain just shut down. Seriously, there is just nothing going on in his head at that moment.

Please make a quick note that in the motion comic itself, Ryan does speak first. None the less, a red sky is not that big of a deal. It could just be a sunset since there was no mention of time at all before this. Also, I like to think that Subway takes up a whole city block, seeing how their banners just go on and on.

Oh man this is a bad panel. First of all is the placement on everyone. I tried, really tried, to take a screenshot of the best of the best of this panel. But even then, the shot is just so cluttered. Now of the characters themselves. Why is Wonder Woman swinging on her lasso? Why is Green Lantern fighting Darkseid and Superman is fighting a parademon? Superman makes it very clear in the comic books that Darkseid is his foe. And even more so, why is Darkseid fighting? Darkseid is never really gets into the middle of the things, letting his demons do the work for him. Lastly, why is the Flash flying? I'm serious, look around. The Flash just falls from the sky. Batman is behind all the characters as well, just you can almost never see him.

I love how CC is yelling at Grandma to kick it into high gear. Why do I get the feeling that she was already going as fast as she can. CC also calls these people lookie-loos. Yes, because people just have to stop everything they do to watch demons attack the world. After these baseball players help crowd control, which is all they SHOULD be good for. . . . .

Green Lantern tells them to run. Wait. Wasn't Green Lantern just fighting Darkseid like a minute ago? Darkseid is not a villain you can just call time out on. Anyway, Ryan says that hiding isn't their style and Green Lantern is okay with this! Green Lantern even says his ring is low on energy. I mean come on, Ryan and CC are not superheroes. They play baseball. True they ate avocado, but that would only help them fight a super apes mind control powers.

And of course, Darkseid sees them. And what does Darkseid do? He gloats. Darkseid does gloat a lot in the comics, true, but he never smiles like that. I do have to ask why Superman doesn't just shoot Darkseid with his laser eyes, but I just tell myself that this is Earth-Subway.

"Can the Famous Fans and Green Lantern stop Darkseid?"

Answer: Normally, no. Because Superman at his best can barely hold his own against Darkseid.

"Will our Subway Famous Fans make it to the stadium in time?"

Answer: Is the narrator that stupid?! I would like to think that making it to the stadium is an after thought when you are looking at one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse in the eyes. More so when that same being has Omega beams in those same eyes.

Ugh. Anyway, on to part 2

More yellow. Moving on then.

Darkseid is yelling at the humans to move. Okay. Stop. Just stop this now. Darkseid would never ask or even demand. He would just kill the humans right there with his Omega beam eyes. Also, the best way to stop Darkseid seems to be calling him a bully. Yes, that's it CC, hurt Darkseid's feelings. We all know he cares what the lowly humans think of him. Lastly, what is Green Lantern doing? Did someone break his hand between comics?

HOLY CRAP THAT'S CREEPY! Um, are we sure this is Darkseid and not the Joker? Darkseid does smile, that is true, but this? All he needs is a white face and he would totally be a Gotham clown. Anyway, this is just more gloating and not killing the humans. Joker-seid is not that great of a villain.

So being a Famous Fan means standing up to bad guys? Is there a club you can join? Are there membership fees? Or do you just have to be a rock stupid sports star on Earth-Subway? I think it's the last one myself.

Recharge your ring? When? You did not pull out your lantern, say the oath, none of that. Wait, when you were gripping your broken hand, that was when?! THAT IS NOT HOW A LANTERN RECHARGES HIS POWER! Lantern power is recharged from the central battery, which is connected to thousands of other mini lanterns across the universe. All the Lantern colors, from Red to Green and beyond, access this batteries power by holding their ring to it and saying the oath, thus unlocking the battery on their end and recharging the ring to 100%. You do not grip your arm in pain to recharge your ring! Anyway, lets move on.

My word! The title of this comic was so forced into this story that it broke the comic itself! Everyone run for your lives! Alright, seriously, why does hitting Darkseid with a baseball bat make him and his demons go back to their home world? I want a serious answer here because I got nothing.

Of course, Green Lantern says that he could not have beaten Darkseid without their help. Yes, Ryan and CC made great meat shields I do have to say. But our 'heroes' ask Green Lantern for a favor. What is that favor you ask?

Why, they want to fly to the stadium of course. But unlike in issue #2 where that type of flying was stupid, this one makes sense. Ryan and CC are baseball stars and they are free flying rather then just being carried. True it is very dangerous and they might die, but when you remember they were starring Darkseid in the face like two minutes ago, this is nothing.

So they get to the game and play in matching green Subway shirts. I'm sure that having them all in the same color and logo makes the game so much easier to play. I could have made a KRAK joke on this panel and on the one before, but that seems a bit low brow to me.

So we end out on Ryan and CC talking about how eating Subway with avocado made them able to do anything they wanted. Truly we need more avocado in the world. Green Lantern, looking evil again if I do say so myself, wants to give them a special thanks.

Which is nothing more then unscheduled fireworks. And seeing how Ryan and CC were out of the stadium and most likely the last ones to leave, that means that Green Lantern made those fireworks for no reason other then to show off to the two humans with no super powers.

Well that's it. That was the last of the Famous Fans. Whee. All in all, this comic was not the worst. It was bad and silly, but it did use the baseball players fairly well, even if the whole Darkseid stuff was stupid. The art is nothing great and at times the frames just seemed a bit to messy. Still, it is an Ad comic for Subway so I guess the whole thing needs to be corny.

Like promised, here is the link to the webpage where you can find this motion comic and all the issues of Famous Fans: Famous Fans Comics Webpage

Please also note that I have no control over this website and if it is ever taken down, I am sorry. At least you can always see the Famous Fans on my site. But now I am truly out of Famous Fans comics. Oh woe, what am I to do. Well come back next week when I look at some more comic that I love, even if sometimes they are not that great.

But for now, It's time for lunch.

All images are owned by DC and Subway

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