Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sonic Kids Story 1

Ah Sonic. He can really move. Sonic, he's got an attitude. Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive.

As many of you might know, this year was Sonic the Hedgehog's 20th anniversary. Sega gave us a great game, from what I have seen and read, called Sonic Generations. It has the current form of Sonic teaming up with retro 1991 powers Sonic to save all time or something like that. But with all the talk about Sonic, I got to thinking about how many people know Sonic's origin. No no, I don't mean in the video games. That is a different can of worms that I don't want to open. So I wanted to talk about his origin story in the comics. But it was not in issue 01. Issue 01 of the Sonic Comic Universe was just Sonic fighting Robotnik. No real story was set up yet, at least nothing deep. We really didn't get much in the lines of Sonic's life before Robotnik before this comic came out. Now I am sure that things have changed over the years and I do not follow Sonic comics as closely as I use to, but that will not stop me from looking at a piece I loved from my childhood. So get ready to turn off your brain and grab a chili dog, it's time for Sonic Kids, story 01 

Now I say story 01 because the whole book is really 3 mini stories. This week I'll only look at the first of the stories, with the others being reviewed later. But the cover of the comic goes with the first story more so then the others, so that's why I have it on this post. Now about the cover. It is alright. There are Sega mascot toys around, the characters all have a nice active pose to them and the cover doesn't feel cluttered. The older forms of the kids are seen in the background as sorta foreshadow ghosts but that's fine. But that does not mean the cover is without question. The biggest question is on Princess Sally as a kid. I know the Sonic Universe has huge heads and that's fine, but Sally's head is really huge. How the heck does she even lift that thing? I think that when your model is a bowling ball on a stick, then it might be time to find a doctor. Or another cover artist. Also, Tails has some rockin' eyebrows as a kid.

Now we get into our story with the kids playing basketball in the house. Sally's head has deflated back down to what is normal for the Sonic Universe. Also, Sally is wearing the most clothing she ever has. A guess she just kept the same shirt when she grew up, it ripped open, and Sally just changed it to a blue vest. Sonic has his famous single eye with 2 pupils, which means that he was most likely born with that defect. Lastly, look at Boomer the Walrus. Dude can jump. So while they are playing dodge basketball inside while making puns, Sally's nanny Rosie comes into the room. She scolds the kids for playing rough inside and Sally is sorry. A lesser princess would say 'I'm Sally and I'll do what I please.' but Sally is nicer then that.

The group of kids are told to go outside to play and Sonic races them. Sonic and Sally are the only ones with shoes as well so I guess that means the other can't run fast at all because it would hurt their feet. Sally is called aside by her mentor Julayla, who says it is time for a lesson. It is also in the first panel that we get something Sonic Comic's are semi famous for, editor notes. I am so not kidding. Every Sonic Comic I remember had at least 3 editor notes per issue. Anyway, Sally is saddened that she can't play with her friends because Julayla has to teach Princess Sally in all the royal lessons. Julayla says that the lesson is to go play with her friends.


So you called Sally away from her friends to tell her to go play with her friends? Kinda a jerk move there Julayla. Moving on, Rosie and Julayla talk about what Sally sees in them and Julayla says Sally sees her destiny. Yeah, hows that working out for you Sally. . . . . . .Oh. Right. Sonic Comic Issue 230. Yeah.

Sonic is busy playing with himself while the other guys watch. Sally is the only one to notice that Tails, who has not gotten his nickname yet, is feeling down. Yes, Tails was a whiner all the way back then too. And if you think Tails will ever get over his whining, well, he does. But not for a very long time! Miles is crying about how he is not special at all. To try and cheer him up, Sally tells him about the special traits of all of their friends. Yeah, good move there. Tell him what you all can do while not saying anything special about him. I'm sure that will make him feel better.

But it is Sonic to the rescue as he points out that Miles has two tails. Sally thinks Sonic is teasing Miles. Look, Sally, just because you did a crumby job on cheering Miles up doesn't mean that no one else can try. Sonic notes on how if Miles get enough speed, he could use his tails to fly. Since I am a college graduate animator and not a scientist at all, I'll not talk about how kinda impossible that would be. Instead, I'll just say comic logic and look, Miles can now fly. Of course, everyone is amazed at this but Sally wants Miles to come down. Which is a good thing since Miles can't control his new found flying power. You mean the power that Miles just now gained needs training to be used properly? As Miles flies off into the forest, Sally shakes her finger at Sonic, scolding him. Sonic, a true friend, pretty much tells Sally to stop throwing blame for now and find Miles. But Sonic, Sally is royalty. Throwing around blame to others was a lesson.

Boomer was able to make a sextant out of sticks and string to find where Miles landed. Yeah, I don't think that thing really worked. I think Boomer just wanted an excuse to say the word sextant. And oh boy, more editor notes. Sally hears something and soon finds a hollow stump. The four of them lean in and hear that the ground in unstable. After which, like in most cartoons, they fall. Question for all of you, why did the stump not fall in? All four of them were putting a good bit of weight on the stump, and one of them is a walrus for crying out loud.

The lot find Miles at the bottom of the hole of course and I do have to say how lucky these kids are. Look at all those stalagmites. (Yes, they are stalagmites, I checked.) These kids could have very easily died. Then they would have had to start the stage all over again. The second panel also goes back to that stump question I raised before. Miles says he landed on the stump but only the middle gave out. Why is the outer part of the stump so stuck there? Boomer thinks this cave would make a cool clubhouse because of the Aquifer. Really, I can't see any other reason why Boomer would say this would make a cool place to have a club. Oh and yeah, another editor box. Whee.

They all talk names when Sally takes charge and says their club is going to be called the Freedom Fighters. Ah, royalty at work. She decides everything on her own and forces her friends into a rebel group without there consent. Truly, Julayla is teaching Sally well. Sally talks about how the winds of change are blowing and that she will need her friends in times of crisis and blah blah blah. But like the good friends the boys are, they agree.

And so the story comes to an end with Miles, Sonic now calling him Tails, having full control over his flying powers, boy that was fast, saving them from being stuck in the cave. The last panel is close to a wall of text saying that they'll have adventures when they are older, adventures we already know about since this was a special and not the start of the series.

So yeah. Did anything happen just now? Sure Tails learned he can fly and Sally quote "founded" the Freedom Fighters, but really, nothing happened. This story is very blah. Nothing really sticks with you after you are done reading it. The art is fine for the Sonic Universe and the characters do play off each other alright. It's just that if this was their most exciting adventure they ever had around this age, then these kids were dull.

If you wanted to know the video game history of the speedy hedgehog, since I'll never talk about it, I would highly recommend watching this 4 part look at Sonic: The Gaming Historian: Sonic Retrospective

Well come back next week when I do what the last text box tells me and turns the page to find out how, in the comic world, Tails got his shoes.

All images are owned by Archie Comics

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