Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Wedding, CoH style

Happy Valentines Day.

Unless you are a bitter loney single person like me. In that case, Ugh, Valentines Day. Yes it is the day that is all about love and all that stuff. Being single all my life, I grew up to not care about this day. But just because I am not the biggest Valentine nut, doesn't mean that other people arn't. Case in point, back in 2008, the MMO (massivly multiplayer online game) City of Heroes released a wedding comic for two of there big characters. This was a big event back in the day. Saddly, the comic was not drawn, but rather screen captured. But that does not mean I can't review it. So here is

The cover is, well, boring. I get that the cover is suppose to be a wedding invite, but at the same time that does not mean that it does not have to draw your eye. At the bottom of the cover you see it was made with something called Comic Book Creator. All the Creator does is make page layouts. You can not art in it, only put your pictures in the layouts. For someone like me who has Adobe programs, that program just seems pointless.

Anyway, the first few pages of this comic are nothing but fluff. Seriously, I am saving you some pain here since the pages are just talking about the two heroes, Manticore and Sister Psyche, and how they are going to have a wedding. It is all very wordy and the screen shots are just random characters from the game's 3D models in the very basic stand pose. But out of these pages comes new costumes that NCSoft has to sell, I mean, no. I'm right.

Yes, this wedding also started up some Downloadable content. You too can fly around Paragon City wearing a wedding dress. Sad thing though, I wanted to buy this outfit. I had an alien princess character, and well, I wanted some royal attire. The comic does not stop on this page. There are 3 pages all about how the tailor made these super outfits and that they are the best thing to fight in and go to black tie events. Most of those pages were just one word and a screen shot of the basic standing pose. One guy was waving, but aside from that, nothing.

After the fashion show, there is another news program about how "User" characters can't walk in on the wedding event. It is all rather dull with very little action and with a ton of lame jokes. I know I am not showing all these pages this time, but when all the screen shots look the same I did not see the point.

We do get to see in the wedding soon enough. But guess what? These scenes have very little action and dull jokes. I am starting to see a pattern here.
But after this, we get the real wedding. And while the layout is still the same, the words are that of what two people in love would say to each other. There were no jokes in this, only true feelings from their hearts. The reason why I did not add that bit here was it was wordy. Very wordy. And I can sum it all up here. They love each other with all of their hearts. That, to me, is the basics on which all marriage should be made. Nothing less.

But this is a super hero game. So of course the wedding can't go without a super fight. What kind of wedding would have a super hero not fight? oh, right. Superman. Uh, anyway. . . . .

The villains attack and they didn't even bring a wedding present. Oh they are so going down.

Yeah, I know. I finally get action and I am complaining. Well it could be because this action is also dull. The villains only motive here is that they are evil. Really, that is the reason any villain ever attacks a wedding for the sole purpose to stop people from getting married. The wedding is not a one time event. If you stop this wedding, guess what? They could get married again. Heck, they could even elope! Yes, the villains could try to kill the heroes, but really. How often does that really work? That is why I loved the Superman wedding. It was just a wedding. No fight, no foes attacking, heck, Lex Luthor was on the guest list and he showed up to give the happy couple (Clark Kent and Lois Lane) this blessing. No evil motive, just a good wedding.

So yeah, super fight. Good guys win. Whee.

Oh and a reporter falls to her death but is saved buy another item you can buy in game. And so the two of them are married. Wow. For a second there I thought the wedding was ruined by evil.

So this comic ends with crazy outtake photos of the characters using the in-game emotes. So yeah, that was boring. The art is just screen caps and the story was all over the place. I understand they wanted to sell their items in this comic, since they are a company and want to make money, but there was just too many focuses here. A foucs on the news reporter, then the fashion show, then back to the reporter, then to the wedding guests, then the wedding, then a fight, then the blooper pictures. I still like this comic of course, but it does not mean it was perfect.

If you want to read the whole comic yourself, you can find it here: 2008 City of Heroes Valentine wedding

But you know, there were some City of Hero comics that were made by pro's. Heck, Top Cow even made the first batch. Hmm. . . . . . . .

All images (c) NCSoft

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