Thursday, September 15, 2011

Preview of DC relaunch week 03

Hello all. Comic Kathy here. Well it is a new week (kinda) and that means a new batch of relaunch titles from DC. And like last time, I'm going to give you all a preview of them and my thoughts. It should go without saying, but there might be spoilers here. So lets get started.

Batman and Robin: This comic sets up the relationship between Bruce Wayne Batman and Damian Wayne Robin. It shows that there is great conflict between the two and for good reason. Damian was raised to be a cold blooded killer. Batman never kills and wants to teach that to his son. Damian only wants to fight by his fathers side and prove that he is the best robin that ever lived. Right now, he is failing that. It is not that he isn't strong, but Damian is just an angry punk. This issue does all it can to make Damian look like an ass. The art is fine, nothing really standing out to me. But that can be a good thing if you like basic comic book art.

Overall: It was a slow book, but it was a good set up story.

Batwoman: Art style. Yeah, not for me. I can't say it is a bad style, just very much not my taste. There is one problem here that I did notice. Batwoman has white / grey skin. I thought that was to help hide her idenity better. I was wrong. That white / grey skin is her natural color. To me, that is a dead give away when you are the only one like that. The story is creepy, but nothing overly dark. There is a small bit of set up but really, nothing happens. The big thing about this book is that half of the pages are 2 page spreads. That was annoying because it seems to slow down the comic a bit.

Overall: I didn't like it.

Deathstroke: Lets look at the story first. Deathstroke is being a badass and attacking a plane in mid air. That's about it. There is some very nice action and the fights are bloody. I am not a big fan of Deathstroke, but this comic did serve well to introduce him and how he works. Really, this comic is for fans of Deathstroke and no one else. I know that is not saying much but this comic left no impression on me.

Overall: It was fine, but forgetable.

Demon Knights: I loved this book. The art work was great and the dialog was funny. Yes, a book about Demons and fights back in Camalot times is funny. Then again, it could just be my weird sense of humor. This story follows Xanadu, Etrigan the Demon, Vandel Salvage The immortal, and a knight whose gender is in question. The fights are well done and the characters take everything in stride. Even when you think you know what is going to come, you'll get a curve ball.

Overall: I loved it.

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E.: I am on the fense about this comic. The art work is very jagged and the story is a bit creepy. The characters are well writen and I do like them as a team. The team is formed in this comic and Franky does not like that, saying he perfers to work alone or with his wife. Each monster on the team comes together well, with very different personalities and fighting styles. And the comic introduced a few small questions that I am sure readers will want to know more about.

Overall: A good comic in both story and art.

Green Lantern: This book was interesting. The hero villain role has been reversed and Hal Jordan's life as a normal man bites. The story is in 2 overall parts which merge at the end. Half the book follows Hal while the other follows Sinestro. It was enjoyable to read and the art was very well done. But this book was not for me. It seems to be keeping up with all the Green Lantern stories and I do not follow that lore much at all, aside from the Blackest Night story. But if you like the Lantern Corp, you'll love this book.

Overall: A Green Lantern book for Green Lantern readers.

Grifter: Demons are implanting themselves into human hosts and only Grifter, who woke up half way through his change, can hear and see them. The rest of the world only sees Grifter killing people, since the demons are implanted. That means that even though he is trying to save everyone, he is the bad guy. This book showes everything going wrong in Grifters life. But that makes for some good stories. He seems like a guy who had to struggle before he started this story. It is a very good read but something you'll have to read for yourself if you think you'll like it,

Overall: Fun story.

Legion Lost: Wow this story is busy. There is only one plot but all the characters talk and talk and talk. Legion is a super group from the 31th century and in this book, they are thrown back to our present to catch a villain from their time. Really, this book has very little action which is a shame because some of these charcters seem to have cool powers. I can't say much about this story because there is not much to say. The characters talk in loops and nothing really happens until the last few pages.

Overall: Not a bad comic but this first issue drones a bit.

Mister Terrific: Another set up story. The first half of this book is used to tell the reader who this guy is. The second half of the comic has many questions and there is no explainations. This book also has a very heavy science theme and has lots of Techo-babble. It was an ok book but they introduced too many questions in the first issue to keep me interested.

Overall: A good read if you like science.

Red Lanterns: A long set up story. And I mean long. The whole book is the origan of the Red Lantern leader. It's one long monolog. There are other scenes in the book with some side characters but their stuff is forgetable. The only thing I loved about this book was there was an awesome 2 page speard of Dax-Starr. I love that kitty.

Overall: Slow and nothing happens.

Resurrection Man: Oh man this was an enjoyable ride. I always liked the idea of resurrection man. His power is that everytime he dies, yes dies, he comes back with a new super power. He could have something awesome like super strength or something crappy, like ability to grow his finger nails. And if you think he doesn't die much, you're in for a suprise. This issue has him fighting off a soul bounty hunter. And a sexy one at that. I so want her outfit. I am going to keep reading this book.

Overall: Enjoyable the whole time. Again, might have to do with my weird humor.

Suicide Squad: ANGER!! MY HATE BOILS TO NO END! (notices red lantern ring flying on finger) I hated this book. The charcters are not enjoyable at all. But there are 3 characters I hate above all else. First is Harley Quinn. What they did to her in this book is just a disgrace. Harley was always a fun loving girl but in here, she is more serious and a cold blooded killer. The second character I hate is Savant, a guy from Birds of Prey. They made him a wuss. In Birds of Prey, he was once caught and torured. He lasted 2 days like this because of his sickness. His sickness to not notice how much time has passed. In here, he cracked like an egg. Savant is not that weak. Also, how the heck was he a death row member? He was working with Oracle until this issue. What happened? The last character I hate is Amanda Waller. She is still the same, personality wise at least. But they made her skinny and sexy. What is wrong with this? Waller is suppose to be chubby and awesome. Here it seems like they wanted more sexy girls since Harley was the only other one.

Overall: Flip through it and see if you like. I don't.

Superboy: Another set up story. It was a good read and did a great job introducing us to the characters. The story starts Superboy, making all the events that had happened kinda null and void. Which works here. With the new Superboy, new readers can enter the the book without having to know a long back story. The ending it what makes me unable to recommend it right now.

Overall: Good story if you want to get in on the ground floor.

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