Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How Edd effected me



By now you must have heard, Edd Gould, the creator of Eddsworld and all around awesome guy in real life and on the internet, has died due to cancer. The video explaining this better than I ever hope to can be found here: R.I.P. Edd Gould

Edd Gould, to me, was a great artist and animator. I was always a silent watcher of his work, never getting a chance to really talk to him. My first exposure to his works was back in 2009 when I saw his short “Moviemakers” on the front page of Newgrounds. I watched it and it made me laugh nonstop. The animation was amazing and the jokes were perfectly timed. After watching that flash movie, I spent the next weekend giving myself a little marathon. True I should have been doing college homework but I was and still am a horrible procrastinator. While some of this very first stuff was not as good as his later cartoons, I easily went back and watched a bunch of this stuff when I was in need of a good laugh. I was a hooked fan for life. I shared his work with my friends and even a teacher or two outside of class (where you are not bound by the student / teacher roles you play)and they all loved his work as well to the best of my knowledge. Not long after I found TomSka and Matt Lobster and while their stuff was awesome, I always found myself going back to Edd first and foremost.

Edd Gould was what a lot of artists and animators strived for. He did what he wanted and was popular for it. Even when Edd was alive and making new cartoons, I never once saw anything overly negative about his work. True, there were some comments on how he could try to improve and some minor fan rage, but nothing that ever stopped anyone from loving Edd. That is truly rare thing when everyone can like your work.

Now my blog is about reviewing comics I love even if no one else likes them. This week, however, I am going to share with you some of Eddsworld’s comic strips. Edd ran a weekly comic back on his website. These comics can currently be found on his still active Deviant Art page, the link to which is at the bottom of this post. I wanted to share with you all some of my favorite comics Edd created. I am posting these without his permission of course. If Tom or Matt or anyone wants me to take down this images, I will. But my words I will always keep.

Edd might be gone, but his world and all the people it has affected are still here. We’ll never forget you Edd. 

http://eddsworld.deviantart.com/ commands all these images.



    1. Well Eddsworld Twitter said it was alright. But if they did not, I would of course delete it without a second thought.


  2. As a fan, I can see that this blog post was truly written from the bottom, middle, and top of your heart. Kudos!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
