Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom Issue #3

Alright. Last week’s issue was stupid. I mean really stupid. The last issue in the series can not be as bad as that was right?

. . . right?

Well I for one want to get this over with. This is Legion of Doom issue 3.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom Issue #2

Well, I now remember why I only looked at this series once. Issue #2 is a mess and really should have been a clearer warning to what Mr. Glass was going to write in the near future. But you’ll all see it soon enough. This is Legion of Doom Issue #2.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom Issue #1

So. Flashpoint.

Last year DC had their ‘final’ story line for the current universe. This event was called Flashpoint. It was the story about what if Barry Allen did save his mom before she died and how the universe changes from that one event. And boy howdy did the DCU change from this one life. The main title, simply called Flashpoint, focused on Barry Allen and how he tries to put the universe back to normal. But since this was a brand new place, all the characters you knew have changed in big ways. DC, wanting to make people more invested in this new, temp universe, released quite a few miniseries. Most three issues long, some only one shots. And guess who, for better or worse, bought ALL of the issues.

Yeah. I got every comic that came out during Flashpoint. Some were good, but most of them were not. But that won’t stop me from looking at one of the miniseries. This week, I begin a 3 week look into the story of Legion of Doom.

Now I picked this series for a few reasons. The first is Adam Glass. Right now there is a legion of Harley Quinn fans who don’t like him, myself included. But this story was supposed to get us use to his writing. All this goes into my second reason. The second reason is that it has been a year since I read my Flashpoint books and I really didn’t remember much from any of the series. But I do remember if I liked them as a whole or if I did not. And I am happy to say that L.O.D. is very much a meh. I won’t go into much detail right now, since that is kinda the point of the review, but this story left little impact on me as a whole for the Flashpoint Universe.

But enough of that, toast some marshmallows and turn off your brain, this is Flashpoint: Legion of Doom Issue 1.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Brave and The Bold #33

Well, Free Comic Book Month is over. It was a fun ride but now it is time to get back to the status quo. This week I got a treat for you all. This comic has to do with one of my least favorite stories but the same story is seen as one of comics greatest. What story am I talking about? Well if you know the comic I am about to review, it is really clear. With all that said, The Brave and the Bold.

Many people, myself included, first heard about The Brave and the Bold form the Cartoon Network show under the same name. Well almost the same name. The cartoon focused on Batman teaming up with many different heroes from the DCU done in a very silver age, Adam West style. Pretty much, it was campy as all get out. Now hold this TV show thought for a second.

The comic series was an anthology series that started back in 1955 and focused on heroes of the past like Robin Hood and the like. But around issue 25, it became more of a try out book for new DC heroes. Super hero teams such as the Suicide Squad, Teen Titans, and even the Justice League, can all say that their start was in The Brave and the Bold. By the time the book got to issue 74, it became Batman: The Brave and The Bold due to the popularity of one Adam West. And this run of the book was just like the cartoon from what I hear. This book was not forever though. It was canceled.

In the year 1991 there was a short run of the series again, this time as two six issue miniseries. One series ran from 91 to 92, the other 99 to 00. I have never seen this books at all but I assume they are very 90’s. The series I am looking at today is the latest and currently last run of the book. This version had a 12 issue story line before becoming smaller arcs and finally going full circle back to the silver age-ish campy nature that started the book. And that is where the TV show ties in for me. When I picked up this book it was pretty darn close to the cartoon. But I would still watch the TV show over reading these stories.

That should be enough history for now. Time to turn off your brains and get some dance music on, this is The Brave and The Bold issue 33.