Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tails in Submersible Rehearsal

Well last week was a 4 part, 23 page story that tied into a video game, I guess. I do wonder how close the comic came to the game, but whatever. This week things get easier with a 5 page story about Tails. This was before Tails got all whiny about everything and when he was a lot more like Sonic. He was adventurous, brave, and kept down by adults. Let’s takes a look at Tails in Submersible Rehearsal.


We see Rotor and Tails on the dock, Rotor giving Tails his very own submarine. Really? You’re just randomly giving the kid a sub? More so, it is a sub with a drill on the front. How does that even make sense? Does the drill make it more or something? Why does it have this design choice? Anyway, Tails thanks Rotor (whose name I just now noticed is a Palindrome) for the Sub and is ready to take it on undersea adventures. Tails just learned about the sub today, and already he wants to drive it with no training or knowledge on how the controls work.

But it turns out Princess Sally gave orders to Rotor to not put oil in the thing, saying that Tails is not ready to have a sub yet. Well if this was going to be the case, why did you make it Tails sized? Why didn’t you make it for when Tails is older, or are you not expecting Tails to grow anytime soon? Moreover, why make a real sub at all and not just a paddle boat with a cool frame? That would have been faster to make, safer for the young child Tails, and give you more time to, oh I don’t know, HELP THE RESISTANCE AGAINST ROBOTNIK! But no, you had to make a fully working sub and not give it any gas.

So while Tails throws a temper tantrum about how he is all grown up, a sea gull covered in oil grabs onto his ship. The Sea gull says that he barely made it to shore.

Tails pulls the OILY sea gull up on to the dock. The sea gull then tells Tails about how an evil robot has remade the water proof robot maker and is forcing sea life into the machine. Tails says that he and his friends broke it once. And this is a problem I have with a lot of comics. Why does no one ever think to rebuild or try the same plan again with minor changes? Sometimes they are good plans that would have worked, but you do need to change a few things to keep the other side from winning the same way. So yeah, the sea gull says that only Tails in his sub can stop this evil from happening. But where is Tails going to get the Oil? Well he gets it not from the water, but by wringing the sea gull over his fuel tank. Because I really have no idea how Tails got the oil that fast off a Sea gull.

Tails finds the factory with no problem and see the evil Octobot grabbing helpless fish to throw into the machine. Ah Octobot, what a great villain you were. You got a whole 10 lines and 2 groans. Octobot is in the process of doing his preprogrammed job when Tails comes out of nowhere and drills Octobot’s face. Tails then launches a torpedo from his baby bottle at the factory. Why the factory does not have automated defenses, I don’t know. Same with I have no clue how a robot felt pain and is dazed. Isn’t the point of being a robot that you are a machine with no feelings?

So Tails and Octobot get launched out of the water from the explosion. Tails drives off with Octobot shaking his tentacle at Tails. Ok, fair question time. Why does Octobot just float there? Go after the little punk who just blew up your evil robot making factory! But wait, there is a box from Scott saying that if you want to see more of Octobot, you might want to get the Tails mini-series. So Tails gets back to the dock where the sea gull is waiting for him. Tails ties the sub back up and says that he can’t wait to tell all his friends about the adventure he went on. Sally is going to be ticked off that Tails when on adventure when she said he was too young for anything like that. Tails invites the sea gull by he says he can’t, for he has a date with his GULL friend.




Not funny.

Well I don’t know how to feel about this one. I guess it is fine for a 5 page story, but I also felt that the writer and artist had a much grander story in mind before they found out that this was going to be an extra placed after the video game tie in. The art is fine for what it was and the characters actions were all easy enough to understand. The puns are cringe worthy, but then again, what pun isn’t.

Well there is one more story in this 48 page collection. I guess I’ll have to do that one as well, since this is Sonic Triple Trouble. Well come back next week when we look at the final story in this comic. 

All images (c) Archie Comics

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