Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Need to know

Does anyone really watch my reviews or read the old ones? I have been doing this for over a year now and not so much as a single comment (Aside from my real life friend and that one spam comment) or anything.

I just want to know if people even look at my blog. Nothing else.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Puppet Show Review

Good friends are hard to find. They're easy to make though.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

No post this week. Holiday busyness

Sorry all. I know my blog is not that well known but I do have to say this. Thanksgiving is a bit busy for me so no post this week. Again, sorry for the people who do like my little blog in the middle of nowhere.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Within the Walls of Dis Review

No yoke about it, our boy really gets egged on in this one.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Craftsman Bolt-On System Saves The Justice League review

The drill that can do it all. The guy using the drill, however, not as great.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Is Stephine Brown still known in new 52 DC?

What does it mean?! This image comes from Li'l Gotham which you can buy here. Look at this girl's Batgirl costume. That is not the Barbara Gordan look at all. No, this look is just a bit closer to this:

So does this mean that in the new 52 DCU, Stephanie Brown was still Batgirl for a time? Or was this just a one off to try and please the fans? I really hope for the former then that latter myself.

Images (c) DC comics

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Suicide Squad Issue 7 review

Where is Harley Quinn now-a-days? After reading this, I wish I never asked.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy delay

So yeah. I live in PA, in case I never said that before. For those of you who know, that means I got Sandy right now.

So yeah, Suicide Squad comic review will be coming on wednesday if all goes well since I don't know if I'll have power or not. Plus I wanted to post it on halloween anyway.

Here is hopeing I still have power all through the storm.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Joker's Asylum II: Harley Quinn

A tale of madness and love. But this time told by the Joker.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Harley Quinn Comic Series Rant

This time, the rant is scripted. Doesn't make the series any better though.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Bet: A Harley and Ivy Review

A bet between the two sexiest ladies in Arkham. Who will win?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mad Love, an unscripted Rant

Yeah, no script was a bad idea in retrospect, but hey these are still my feelings on one of the greatest stories of my time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Subway, the motion comic re-review

I looked at it before, but I always wanted to go back to it again. Here is a re-review of the motion comic done for the Famous Fans.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just going to tell you now

Update is going to come Wednesday.

Reason: Lost my monday to finish up the review because I was working at the library from 8 to 4. Again, this blog is fun and I do like doing it, but lets face it, currently it does not help pay the bills.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Raven Mini Series: Friday

It's friday, friday.

Crap! I said I was not going to reference that. Stupid Kathryn!

Anyway, Enjoy Raven VS Coma girl.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Raven Mini Series: Thursday

The week is starting to come to a close. How does that make you feel?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Raven Mini Series: Wednesday

Half way through the week. Wonder how they will cope with the death of a friend.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Raven Mini Series: Monday

The start of a new school week with our favorite empath, Raven.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Yeah, just watch and please understand.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.

Their the the big guy and rusty. . . . oh wait, different heroes then that.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So. . . . No episode this week

Yeah. Here is the break down of last week. From Tuesday to Friday, I had to pull extra shifts at work. Out of the 8 of us who work at the library, 2 were on vacation. So yeah, less free time to work on comic reviews.

But Kathy, what about Saturday, sunday, and monday? Well Saturday I was working on getting ready for Baltimore comic con. Yep, I am going to that one. Sunday I had to help my sister move from one place to another AND help with her drama bomb. Being a nerd is easy when you relize we get drama bombs less then normal people. Sure we still get them, but my sister gets one a week, at least.

When monday came around, and I woke up around 11:00 am, yeah, I started thinking about NEXT weeks review. And I did come up with something.

Again, sorry that there is no review this week. Hope to see you all next week though.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Supergirl issue 12

A good hero and a bad hero. And the bad one has the comic named after her.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Catfight: Escape from Limbo

What is reality? Are we awake now or is this just another persons dreams?

Just messing with ya. This comic is nowhere near that deep.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pokemon: the Electric Tale of Pikachu #2

Gotta catch them all, right? Too bad Ash really stinks at doing that.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Catwoman: New 52 #1

The beginning of the new 52 Catwoman.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Catwoman month: The new age backstory

You all Catwomans FIRST story, now let's take a look at the 2002 origin story. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Catwoman month: Team 9 lives

Week 03 of Catwoman month brings us a bunch more girls.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Catwoman month: Cat-lane

Catwoman turned up the WTF to 11. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom Issue #3

Alright. Last week’s issue was stupid. I mean really stupid. The last issue in the series can not be as bad as that was right?

. . . right?

Well I for one want to get this over with. This is Legion of Doom issue 3.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom Issue #2

Well, I now remember why I only looked at this series once. Issue #2 is a mess and really should have been a clearer warning to what Mr. Glass was going to write in the near future. But you’ll all see it soon enough. This is Legion of Doom Issue #2.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom Issue #1

So. Flashpoint.

Last year DC had their ‘final’ story line for the current universe. This event was called Flashpoint. It was the story about what if Barry Allen did save his mom before she died and how the universe changes from that one event. And boy howdy did the DCU change from this one life. The main title, simply called Flashpoint, focused on Barry Allen and how he tries to put the universe back to normal. But since this was a brand new place, all the characters you knew have changed in big ways. DC, wanting to make people more invested in this new, temp universe, released quite a few miniseries. Most three issues long, some only one shots. And guess who, for better or worse, bought ALL of the issues.

Yeah. I got every comic that came out during Flashpoint. Some were good, but most of them were not. But that won’t stop me from looking at one of the miniseries. This week, I begin a 3 week look into the story of Legion of Doom.

Now I picked this series for a few reasons. The first is Adam Glass. Right now there is a legion of Harley Quinn fans who don’t like him, myself included. But this story was supposed to get us use to his writing. All this goes into my second reason. The second reason is that it has been a year since I read my Flashpoint books and I really didn’t remember much from any of the series. But I do remember if I liked them as a whole or if I did not. And I am happy to say that L.O.D. is very much a meh. I won’t go into much detail right now, since that is kinda the point of the review, but this story left little impact on me as a whole for the Flashpoint Universe.

But enough of that, toast some marshmallows and turn off your brain, this is Flashpoint: Legion of Doom Issue 1.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Brave and The Bold #33

Well, Free Comic Book Month is over. It was a fun ride but now it is time to get back to the status quo. This week I got a treat for you all. This comic has to do with one of my least favorite stories but the same story is seen as one of comics greatest. What story am I talking about? Well if you know the comic I am about to review, it is really clear. With all that said, The Brave and the Bold.

Many people, myself included, first heard about The Brave and the Bold form the Cartoon Network show under the same name. Well almost the same name. The cartoon focused on Batman teaming up with many different heroes from the DCU done in a very silver age, Adam West style. Pretty much, it was campy as all get out. Now hold this TV show thought for a second.

The comic series was an anthology series that started back in 1955 and focused on heroes of the past like Robin Hood and the like. But around issue 25, it became more of a try out book for new DC heroes. Super hero teams such as the Suicide Squad, Teen Titans, and even the Justice League, can all say that their start was in The Brave and the Bold. By the time the book got to issue 74, it became Batman: The Brave and The Bold due to the popularity of one Adam West. And this run of the book was just like the cartoon from what I hear. This book was not forever though. It was canceled.

In the year 1991 there was a short run of the series again, this time as two six issue miniseries. One series ran from 91 to 92, the other 99 to 00. I have never seen this books at all but I assume they are very 90’s. The series I am looking at today is the latest and currently last run of the book. This version had a 12 issue story line before becoming smaller arcs and finally going full circle back to the silver age-ish campy nature that started the book. And that is where the TV show ties in for me. When I picked up this book it was pretty darn close to the cartoon. But I would still watch the TV show over reading these stories.

That should be enough history for now. Time to turn off your brains and get some dance music on, this is The Brave and The Bold issue 33.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Free Comic book Month "Graphic Elvis"

Well it is the end of May. It was a good month for free but now I need to go out with a bang. I need the biggest character and slash or comic writer of all time. Hmmm. Well I got nothing, so here is a comic about Elvis written by Stan Lee.

Ok, all joking aside, who doesn’t know Elvis or Stan Lee? One was the greatest rocker of all time and one of the shapers of the 1970’s. The other is a comic book writer who pretty much started what we know today as the Marvel Universe. Well for Free Comic Book Day, there was a book written by Lee about Elvis. So let’s see what Stan the Man gem we got this time, this is Graphic Elvis.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Free Comic Book Month "Worlds of Aspen"

So last week was a comic aimed at girls. Well this week let’s look at a free comic book about girls that is aimed at guys. And the comic for this week comes to us from Aspen Comics. According to their website, Aspen Comics was founded by Michael Turner. Michael worked on many different books before, from Witchblade and Tomb Raider to a short run on Superman/Batman. Mostly he does covers for other companies today but still has a role in the company. All that said, the comic is a bit of a mess in the first story, and I am really unsure how I feel about the second. Let’s take a look at World of Aspen.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Free Comic Book Month "Tinker Bell"

Welcome back to free comic book month. This week I thought I’d break the norm of super hero books, or a book with a way past cool hedgehog, and bring you something a bit more girly. Yeah, Comic_Kathy is finally doing a comic that the market would see as girly. And which comic came out that was girly you ask? Why Tinker Bell of course. Tinker Bell was a character from J. M. Barrie’s story titled Peter Pan. Of course the more famous form of this fairy is from Disney Studio’s 1953 animation of the same name. This Tinker Bell was modeled after the end all vision of beauty, Marilyn Monroe. The personality stayed about the same from the original story, with Tinker Bell being jealous of anyone who tries to warm up to her Peter. She did so by playing jokes on others, sometimes leading to very dark ends for them at the hands of Hook or the like.

Tinker Bell, as we all know, has become sort of a main mascot for Disney on her own right. The best way I can think of her is like Bugs Bunny at the beginning of many WB animations openings. Bugs is always there eating his carrot right next to the WB logo. Well Tinker Bell is the same with the Disney opening. She is the one who flies of the castle logo every time, even if she never gets close to the camera. But Disney wanted to do more with her. And so we get Disney Fairies. 

Disney Fairies is a lot of things, but a lot of what it is can be found on their own website. Mostly it is its own little world that is not part of the Peter Pan one at all, or at least very little. Tinker Bell has adventures with her friends and they learn about sharing and friendship and all that. Remember, this is aimed at little girls. So if all you big tough guys with a wall of pictures and figures dedicated to the mane six, or Ditzy “Derpy Hooves” Doo, do not like this comic, I am sorry. (I love My Little Pony, but that is a talk for another time)

Wow I talked a lot there. But let’s finally see what kind of comic Disney can put out for little girls. This is Disney Fairies Tinker Bell.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Free Comic book month "The new 52 preview"

So did you all have a fun Free Comic Book Day this past Saturday? I did. I got a huge stack of free comics. Some are full issues, but most of the main stream stuff is just a mini preview. But for this week’s comic, I have to look at the DC book. Why? Well because it has more information about Pandora, that’s why. So let’s take a look at DC’s “The New 52 Preview”

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

52 second wave titles part 1

Well it is May and DC is now starting it's second wave of new 52 titles. Since I talked about the first 52, I thought it was only fitting that I take a look at the new books that are coming out. Now, total, DC is still only going to have 52 main series. That means that some of the books that were around have been dropped. Those dropped books are Mister Terrifc, Static Shock, Hawk and Dove, OMAC, Blackhawks, and finally Men of War.
So do these new books do a good job? Well Let me give you my own feelings about them.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Free Comic Book Day "Contract"

In case you are not in the know, this Saturday is Free Comic Book day. It is a promotional day where your local comic shop will be handing out free comic books. While there may be rules and guidelines at your shop for what they will be getting or on how many they will be handing out, the fact remains that you are getting comic books for free. And since they are free, I don’t feel bad about posting pages from them here on my review blog. So that is why May is going to be Free Comic Book Month here on Comic_Kathy.

But I just said that the comic books won’t be coming out until this weekend. Well no need to worry. I got issues of free comics from years past. So even though it is Tuesday, you still get a free comic, even if it is from 2009. With this said, First Salvo Productions.

To be honest, there are very few reliable places where you can learn anything about them. The first is on the comic I am going to review own website. There it shows that there are only three issues of the book, and four different covers for issue 01. The page has some web comics I might have to look at in the future, an art gallery, an apparel button which my protection software says has a Trojan, and a news button which takes you to a blog. Really, on this page is nothing about the company, just what they put out.

The other source is Deviant Art, so feel free to take that as you will. The Deviant Art page has, of course, more art.

But that is enough telling you about them I think. If you really want to know what this company is famous for in my eyes, then let’s get right into looking at the Free Comic Book Day issue of “Contract”


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jingle Belle in The Fight Before Christmas

Jingle Belle, Jingle Belle, Jingle before May. Oh what fun it is to read about Santa’s kid today.

Yeah, kinda lame but what do you want, something cleaver?

Anyway, welcome to my Christmas Comic I promised you all last week. Since I had more than my fair share of Zatanna magic and wanted something fun and lighthearted, I found my Issue of Jingle Belle. For those of you who do not know, Jingle Belle is the creation of Paul Dini. Paul was one of the big guys from the Batman: Animated Series (The other being Bruce Timm). While it has not been updated in a very long time, the website for Jingle Belle is still up and can be found here.

Jingle Belle herself has a very confusing history that spans many books. Sometimes she is a sweet teen who helps others out, most of the time she is that bratty celebrity kid who is annoyed that everyone always relates her to her Father, Santa Clause, and acts out to try and make a name for herself. Whoever she is in any story, Jingle Belle is always enjoyable to read. So let’s not waste any more time and get right into Jingle Belle “The Fight Before Christmas”.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Zatanna Special part 2

Well you all read last week’s review, right? Let’s not waste any time and get right into part 2 after the break.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Zatanna Special

Zatanna is always awesome. My first exposure to her was in the Batman Animated series. This was “before the internet” times of the 1990’s. Yes, I know it was around, but let’s face it. The internet did not take off until the 2000’s. But I digress. Zatanna was always one of the most fun characters to ever live. Not only because she uses her powers as her day job, but because she just takes everything with a grain of salt. She knows that everything is not always like it seems. I always loved her and thought of her highly. (Overlooking that whole mind wipe thing of course)

So it was one day I was at my comic store and I found this huge 64 page giant comic about Zatanna. I saw it and I just had to know what made an issue this big. What story could be told in this 3 times bigger comic? Well I am here to share that story with you. So here is the Zatanna Special. 


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Knuckles in First Contact

Two weeks ago we had an all powerful Chaos Emerald break into two pieces all because a machine was set to the wrong pronged setting. Last week we had a very short bit where Tails gets a fully working submarine but Sally (who never shows up once in this comic) stopped Tails from having fun. Sonic, then Tails. Hmm. Who are we missing?

Oh yeah. Knuckle head himself.

Video game wise, I love Knuckles. He was always the most fun to use since you can do a lot of exploration with him. At least more so then when you used Sonic I felt. But over the years, Knuckles has become somewhat of a joke. Case in point, this week review of Knuckles: First Contact. So, let’s just get right into it, shall we?


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tails in Submersible Rehearsal

Well last week was a 4 part, 23 page story that tied into a video game, I guess. I do wonder how close the comic came to the game, but whatever. This week things get easier with a 5 page story about Tails. This was before Tails got all whiny about everything and when he was a lot more like Sonic. He was adventurous, brave, and kept down by adults. Let’s takes a look at Tails in Submersible Rehearsal.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Irony, how I love thee

Sonic Triple Trouble is now on 3DS

And I just reviewed the comic for it. I did not plan this at all, but come on! That is awesome!!!

I am just way past cool I guess. ^-^

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pie day!

Today is Pie day. 3-14. So I demand all who read my blog to go out and eat pie. Eat pie until your stomachs are full of light flakey crusts and fruit filled goodness!

So say I, the self proclaimed Queen of Pie!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sonic The Hedgehog: Triple Trouble

I’m not sure about you guys, but I am feeling in a Sonic mood lately. It has been a while since the last time we saw our Sega mascot hero. I mean, the last time we saw him he just got a pair of shoes. Ah, the epic drama of it all. Well this time let’s look at a story where Sonic was a bit more grown up. Let’s look at the special “Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble”


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who wants to be a Superhero?

Alright, show of hands. Who remembers this ‘reality show’? Stan Lee, the debatable greatest comic man ever, had his own reality show back in 2006. It was an alright show but the elimination aspect was bad (Stan Lee just says who he does not like) and the show was really scripted at times, well, more so then other reality shows. But the so called winner got his own comic at the end of the run. Well here it is, my review of this so bad it’s. . . . . .Well, ok, it’s bad. I know I have not used this in a while, but turn off your brain and grab a snack, here is “Who wants to be a Superhero: Feedback”

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Super Apes Beware!

Yeah, I know this is coming out of no where, but I did want to share it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

City of Heroes, Issue Zero

Last week I looked at a screen capture comic for the MMO City of Heroes. The comic was dull, the dialog was boring, and the fight was shoehorned in. I couldn't even make fun of it, it was so dull. So this week, I decided to treat myself to a good comic. This week I decided to read Issue Zero (yes, I know it says one but  it is lovingly called Issue Zero) of the City of Heroes Comic. So lets get right into it, shale we?


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Wedding, CoH style

Happy Valentines Day.

Unless you are a bitter loney single person like me. In that case, Ugh, Valentines Day. Yes it is the day that is all about love and all that stuff. Being single all my life, I grew up to not care about this day. But just because I am not the biggest Valentine nut, doesn't mean that other people arn't. Case in point, back in 2008, the MMO (massivly multiplayer online game) City of Heroes released a wedding comic for two of there big characters. This was a big event back in the day. Saddly, the comic was not drawn, but rather screen captured. But that does not mean I can't review it. So here is

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bizarro comic post

Good bye. This are not Bizarro_Kathy never. Me am here to delete new post about comic. Me have no idea where Comic_Kathy am. Comic_Kathy am not far away. Me am do nothing to her. But since Comic_Kathy here, me plan on delete post. So here am Bizarro_Kathy deleted post for comic story “Bizarro in No Go AwAy GlAd, JuSt Go AwAy!”


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Comic_Kathy need break

Good bye. Me am Bizarro_Kathy. Me am 100% the same as her is. Kathy say she no need some time off because real life am easy for her.

So Bizarro_Kathy here to do nothing! You am leave thursday when Bizarro_Kathy erases review about bad comic me hate.

Bizarro_Kathy am not pleased to hear you don't understand. It make Bizarro_Kathy very mad. ^-^

Bizarro_Kathy hate you all. Hello.

((Real life happned and I have to make my next post on Thusday. But after that I will be back on schedule for my Tuesday updates. Hope to see you all then.))

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lesser Known Characters I Love: Holly Robinson

Catwoman is awesome. She is just enough of a hero to have morals, yet at the same time, she does what needs to be done. Well that is how she is in her current life. Back in the gold and silver ages, Catwoman was all villainess. But those stories were years old and with the 1990’s coming up, writers wanted to take the Batman universe (among others) in a whole new direction. So we get the Year One stories. It is in this story that we get introduced to Catwoman’s “Robin”. It is in Batman: Year One that we get introduced to Holly Robinson.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A day late

My next post is going to be a day late. This weekend my computer crashed and I had to spend a while to get it back up. While my posts are fun, they do need to take a backseat to other parts of my life.

Sorry, but come back tomorrow and there will be some new content.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lesser Known Characters I Love: Johnny Thunder

It is no secret that I love the team Birds of Prey. Something to note about the team is that, before the 1980’s, Black Canary and Huntress were not on the same earth as Batgirl, Barbara Gordon. No, these two lovely ladies were on Earth-2, an older Earth then the one we all know about but they elected to take the name Earth-2 to make our Earth feel better about its self. Kinda nice of them, isn’t it? It is on Earth-2 that we got the JSA, or the Justice Society of America. These were the older heroes like Alan Scott, Wildcat, and Dr. Fate. But there was another hero on the JSA who was all the same heroic as the rest. There was one person who was born under such a lucky star that the world had to see him. That person was Johnny Thunder.