Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Super Apes Beware!

Yeah, I know this is coming out of no where, but I did want to share it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

City of Heroes, Issue Zero

Last week I looked at a screen capture comic for the MMO City of Heroes. The comic was dull, the dialog was boring, and the fight was shoehorned in. I couldn't even make fun of it, it was so dull. So this week, I decided to treat myself to a good comic. This week I decided to read Issue Zero (yes, I know it says one but  it is lovingly called Issue Zero) of the City of Heroes Comic. So lets get right into it, shale we?


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Wedding, CoH style

Happy Valentines Day.

Unless you are a bitter loney single person like me. In that case, Ugh, Valentines Day. Yes it is the day that is all about love and all that stuff. Being single all my life, I grew up to not care about this day. But just because I am not the biggest Valentine nut, doesn't mean that other people arn't. Case in point, back in 2008, the MMO (massivly multiplayer online game) City of Heroes released a wedding comic for two of there big characters. This was a big event back in the day. Saddly, the comic was not drawn, but rather screen captured. But that does not mean I can't review it. So here is

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bizarro comic post

Good bye. This are not Bizarro_Kathy never. Me am here to delete new post about comic. Me have no idea where Comic_Kathy am. Comic_Kathy am not far away. Me am do nothing to her. But since Comic_Kathy here, me plan on delete post. So here am Bizarro_Kathy deleted post for comic story “Bizarro in No Go AwAy GlAd, JuSt Go AwAy!”


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Comic_Kathy need break

Good bye. Me am Bizarro_Kathy. Me am 100% the same as her is. Kathy say she no need some time off because real life am easy for her.

So Bizarro_Kathy here to do nothing! You am leave thursday when Bizarro_Kathy erases review about bad comic me hate.

Bizarro_Kathy am not pleased to hear you don't understand. It make Bizarro_Kathy very mad. ^-^

Bizarro_Kathy hate you all. Hello.

((Real life happned and I have to make my next post on Thusday. But after that I will be back on schedule for my Tuesday updates. Hope to see you all then.))

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lesser Known Characters I Love: Holly Robinson

Catwoman is awesome. She is just enough of a hero to have morals, yet at the same time, she does what needs to be done. Well that is how she is in her current life. Back in the gold and silver ages, Catwoman was all villainess. But those stories were years old and with the 1990’s coming up, writers wanted to take the Batman universe (among others) in a whole new direction. So we get the Year One stories. It is in this story that we get introduced to Catwoman’s “Robin”. It is in Batman: Year One that we get introduced to Holly Robinson.