Thursday, September 29, 2011

Preview of DC Relaunch Week 05

Well it's the final week of the DC relaunch. Guess that means that after this week, I'm out of the job. Oh well. In the mean time, lets look at the last week of titles.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I spy with my little eye, the Red Cloak

Yep. That time of the week again. Time for the answers for where is the Red Cloak. Since I have nothing else to say about it (she doesn't do anything yet in the DCU) I'll just move on to the pictures.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Preview of DC relaunch week 04

Hello all,  Comic Kathy here. Well it is thursday and that means it is time once again to look at the DC relaunch. Now going into this week there were many books I was looking forward to. I had a bit of a let down on some of them. But enough about that, lets look at the books.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where is the Red Cloak?

See this figure? Well this is a woman I am going to call "Red Cloak". She has been appearing in all the issues of the month long relaunch. Well I found her. In every issue, I found her. Sometimes it takes me 2 reads and a few days, but I always find her. What is she up to? What is she meant to do? No one, outside DC, knows.

Anyway, this post is to show you all where she is each issue. Since I missed last week, I'll be uploading all issues this week. Justice League is the comic right above.

Monday, September 19, 2011

It be talk like a pirate day

To all you lubbers and and wenches, it be talk like a pirate day. I hope ye all were ables to talk like one fer the day.

This be a small postin to yet it be known that I knew about it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Preview of DC relaunch week 03

Hello all. Comic Kathy here. Well it is a new week (kinda) and that means a new batch of relaunch titles from DC. And like last time, I'm going to give you all a preview of them and my thoughts. It should go without saying, but there might be spoilers here. So lets get started.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Preview of DC relaunch week 02

Well the video will not load anywhere. Sadness. So I guess I'll just write out my reviews.

Well this is not what I wanted.

So I have my first video ready and rendered, but it seems to be too big. I need to cut off like 5 GB of size. Trying different compressions and whatnot. Anyway, The first video will be a tad late then what I had planned. Whee.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Start of a new Blog

Hello and welcome to Comic Kathy Views. This blog will host my videos mostly but will also have reviews of items I like and don't like. I hope you all will enjoy this blog and I know I'll have fun with it.